Connor Berkowitz Poker

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Connor Berkowitz 487 784 $ John Armbrust 67 10 000 $ Dealers Choice Championship 69 108 Quinn Do (en) 319 792 $ Rep Porter (en) 68 10 000 $ No Limit Hold'em Main Event 70 6 420 Joe McKeehen: 7 683 346 $ Joshua Beckley.

  1. Connor Berkowitz Poker Announcer
  2. Connor Berkowitz Poker Club
  1. Connor Berkowitz poker results, stats, photos, videos, news, magazine columns, blogs, Twitter, and more.
  2. Connor Berkowitz 'thehofffx' opened for 9,000 and Tanner 'bamatide88' Bibat defended his big blind to see a flop. Bibat check-jammed for 42,272 after 'thehofffx' continued for 20,000 and was called.
  3. Total life earnings: $604,443. Latest cash: $1,621 on 01-Jul-2020. Click here to see the details of Connor Berkowitz's 21 cashes.

Making a living as a professional poker player can be accomplished in many ways, including grinding out a solid win-rate in what many would consider to be smaller games. One such big fish in a small pond is Connor Berkowitz, but he now has the bankroll to move up in stakes after taking down the penultimate event of the 2015 World Series of Poker.

Berkowitz won Event #66: $777 “Lucky 7s” No-Limit Hold'em, the first such event the WSOP has ever held. He won $487,784 for topping the 4,422-player field, not to mention the gold bracelet.

It isn't Berkowitz's first time scoring five figures or more, but you wouldn't know that looking at his poker stats. That's because Berkowitz makes a living playing online tournaments in his home state of New Jersey, where he can play legally with fellow residents.

Berkowitz hopes the market continues to grow and legislation continues to advance – he mentioned combining player pools with other states like Nevada – because “there's not that much money out there.”

The final table for the event included Matt Matros, who finished eighth, and Faraz Jaka, who was denied his first bracelet with a fifth-place finish. Berkowitz proved to be Jaka's downfall as he shoved for 1.5 million over a Jaka open for 260,000 and doubled when he hit a three-outer with the against Jaka's . A bit later, Berkowitz finished Jaka off with the against as neither player found any improvement on the board.

Berkowitz then continued to run hot, busting Jeffrey Dobrin with when Dobrin picked up . That gave Berkowitz half the chips in play three-handed and he made it a full four eliminations in a row by taking out David Yu in third and John Armbrust in second.

Connor berkowitz poker club

The huge score means Berkowitz can continue his newly-chosen profession by hopping in the Main Event, which still has Day 1c on Tuesday, which Berkowitz is now considering playing. He had a short-lived career as a banker after majoring in business but decided that wasn't the life for him and switched to the game he's been playing with friends since he was 12 years old.

Now, he has a life-changing score to show for it.

“It really is a dream come true,” he said. “It's everybody's dream, but for it to actually happen is insane.”

Connor Berkowitz Poker

Final Table Results

Connor Berkowitz Poker Announcer

1Connor BerkowitzManalapan, NJ$487,784
2John ArmbrustAustin, TX$301,615
3David YuFoster City, CA$217,173
4Jeffrey DobrinLas Vegas, NV$160,496
5Faraz JakaSan Jose, CA$119,606
6John GallaherLebanaon, TN$89,890
7John ZimmermanLas Vegas, NV$68,098
8Matt MatrosBrooklyn, NY$52,033
9Massimo MoseleTorino, Italy$40,085

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    Faraz JakaConnor BerkowitzWSOPPoker Tournaments2015 WSOPTournament Results
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    World Series of Poker
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    Faraz JakaConnor Berkowitz
Mo Nuwwarah

Zarađivati za život kao profesionalni igrač pokera može u mnogome da bude teško. Jedan od takvih igrača je i Connor Berkowitz, ali on sada ima bankroll da napreduje u limitima jer je osvojio ultimativni event na 2015 World Series of Poker.

Berkowitz je pobedio na Event #66: $777 “Lucky 7s” No-Limit Hold'em, prvi ovakav event koji je WSOP ikad održao. On je osvojio $487,784 pobedivši u polju od 4,422 igrača, da ne pominjemo i zlatnu narukvicu.

To Berkowitz-u nije prvi put da osvaja petocifrenu nagradu ali to ne biste mogli da znate kada bi pogledali u njegovu poker biografiju zbog toga što Berkowitz zarađuje za život igrajući online turnire u njegovoj državi New Jersey, gde jedino u SAD može da igra legalno online poker.

Berkowitz se nada da će tržište nastaviti da raste - on je pomenuo da bi bilo dobro kada bi se udružili sa igračima iz Nevade zato što - 'nema toliko para samo ovde'.

Na finalnom stolu se našao i Matt Matros, koji je završio osmi kao i Faraz Jaka, koji je završio na petom mestu. Berkowitz je bio poguban za Faraz-a kada je shove-nuo 1.5 miliona preko Faraz-ovog open-a od 260,000 i duplirao se jer je pogodio jedan od tri out-a sa protiv Faraz-ovih . Malo kasnije Berkowitz je dovršio Faraz-a sa protiv gde board nije doneo nikakvih promena.

Berkowitz je onda nastavio da dobro run-uje izbacivši Jeffrey Dobrin sa dok je Dobrin imao . To je Berkowitz-u dalo pola čipova koji su bili u igri u trojci i ubrzo je ostvario i četvrtu eliminaciju za redom kada je izbacio David Yu na trećem i John Armbrust na drugom mestu.

Ovako ogroman skor znači da Berkowitz može da nastavi svoju novoizabranu profesiju i da se nada dobrom run-u na Main Event-u, na kom se igra trenutno Dan 1c i koji Berkowitz sad razmišlja da igra. On je imao kratku karijeru kao bankar posle diplomiranja u biznisu ali je odlučio da to nije život za njega i prebacio se na igru koju igra sa svojim prijateljima od svoje 12 godine.

“Stvarno su mi se ostvarili snovi,” rekao je on. “To je svačiji san, ali da se stvarno i ostvari je totalno ludo.”

Rezultati Finalnog Stola

1Connor BerkowitzManalapan, NJ$487,784
2John ArmbrustAustin, TX$301,615
3David YuFoster City, CA$217,173
4Jeffrey DobrinLas Vegas, NV$160,496
5Faraz JakaSan Jose, CA$119,606
6John GallaherLebanaon, TN$89,890
7John ZimmermanLas Vegas, NV$68,098
8Matt MatrosBrooklyn, NY$52,033
9Massimo MoseleTorino, Italy$40,085

Connor Berkowitz Poker Club

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    Faraz JakaConnor BerkowitzWSOPPoker Tournaments2015 WSOPTournament Results
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    World Series of Poker
  • Povezani igrači

    Faraz JakaConnor Berkowitz