Poker Hand Ranking List
- Poker Hand Rank
- Texas Hold'em Poker Hand Ranking
- Poker Hand Rankings List
- Printable Poker Hand Ranking List

Poker Hand Rank
Texas Hold'em Poker Hand Ranking

Poker Hand Rankings List
How many Poker Hands are there? There are only 10 distinct poker hand ranks, but if you randomly deal 5 cards from a deck of 52 cards there are exactly 2,598,960 possible card combinations. Poker Hand Odds for 5-Card-Poker. The poker hand ranking charts are based on the probability for each distinct hand rank. Poker hands Royal flush Straight flush Four of a kind Full house Flush Three of a kind Two pair Pair High card A royal flush is an ace high straight flush. A straight flush is a five-card straight, all in the same suit. Four of a kind, or quads, are four cards of equal value. A full house contains a set (3) of cards of one value and a pair of. If you have no pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, etc., then the highest card in your hand is considered to be decisive. The hand above, in which the best card is a king and there is no other combination of poker hand, is known as “king high”. Ace high beats king high. King high beats queen high, and so on. Poker player ranking lists for each state in USA.
Printable Poker Hand Ranking List

Poker ranks from highest to lowest When playing a game of poker, the highest card is Ace (A). The lowest card is Deuce (which is the card with the number 2 on it). Here is the full list of the 13 ranks listed from highest to lowest.