Poker Split Pot Odd Chip

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While there are some differences in the way online poker is played compared to the live action games, there are still a huge amount of similarities between the two of them, one of them being the split pot situation. A split pot occurs when two or more players have exactly the same value winning hand, which means the chips get evenly distributed among the winning players. If two players win then it gets split two ways, three players is three ways and so on.
Sounds fairly simple, right? Well it really should be, but what happens if the chips cannot actually be evenly distributed among the winning players in the split pot? What if there is one or more chips left over? What happens to those? Who gets them? Well, you will find that it really does depend on where you are playing and what rules they have in place for such an event, as there are a few different things that could happen.
The first thing that some places do actually do, which is not the most common at all, is that if the winning players do not use both of the cards in their hand to make the winning hand, then the one holding the highest left over card will be given the extra chip or chips. If they do use the cards they are holding then this will not be a possibility, which moves us to other situations.
The next situation is that the left over chip or chips will simply go to the player in the split pot who is to the immediate left of the dealer, although some players do not see this as being fair, since that winning player did no more than the others in the split pot, so doesn't deserve the extra chips. Which brings us to the final scenario. Possibly the fairest and the most common way to deal with any left over chips from a split pot is for them to be carried over to the next hand as a kind of extra ante.
Anyway, why don't you head over to one of our tables now and start playing and see what happens when you find yourself in a split pot scenario. Can you figure out which one of the situations we use when there is an odd chip left over?
  1. Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Hailstone
  2. Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Pie
  3. Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Casserole
  4. Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Muffin
  5. Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Recipe

How to Play

Oct 08, 2020 Three or four players go all-in for odd amounts. Just leave all their chips in front of them. Pray that the guy with the most chips wins and takes everything. When paying out the pots start with the outside (most recent pot made) pot and work your way back to the Main Pot. In a split-pot situation where there is an odd number of chips, the player nearest to the button (looking forward from the button position) will get the extra chip(s). If there's a four-way split, and three extra chips, then the three players closest to the button would each get one chip, leaving the fourth player (the one most removed from the. Pot odds, which is the ratio of making or calling a bet compared to the size of the pot, is one of the most essential concepts you need to know to play winning poker. In this reference article, I’d like to explain the concept of pot odds including what it is, how to calculate it, and why it’s important to you as a smart poker player. Dec 11, 2018 Example of Split Pot used in a sentence - In the split pot Stud game Chicago, a high spade in the hole wins half the pot. How to Use Split Pot as Part of Your Poker Strategy. Novice split pot players generally try and compete for one half of the pot. They will either try to make the best low hand or the best high hand. However, the real. Pot odds, which is the ratio of making or calling a bet compared to the size of the pot, is one of the most essential concepts you need to know to play winning poker. In this reference article, I’d like to explain the concept of pot odds including what it is, how to calculate it, and why it’s important to you as a smart poker player.


In Texas Hold'em the button, also called the 'dealer button', indicates who the dealer is. The dealer button moves clockwise around the players.


Texas Hold'em is played with two blinds, the 'small blind' and the 'big blind'. Before any cards are dealt the blinds must be posted. The player to the left of the dealer posts the small blind and the next player in turn posts the big blind.

The blinds are considered as 'live' bets. If you have posted a blind you are only required to make up the difference, if any, between the blind and the current bet. The players in the blinds have the option to fold, call, check or raise in turn.


Ante is similar to blinds, but instead of two players posting, every player who wants to play the current poker hand posts a small amount that goes into the pot, this is called Ante. Ante is only used in tournaments.

Royal Hold'em

Royal Hold'em is a version of Texas Hold'em, played without deuces through nines, leaving only the tens, jacks, queens, kings, and aces.

Royal Hold'em can only be played with a maximum of six players because there are only 20 cards in the deck.

With 5 community cards, 3 burn cards, and 2 pocket cards per player, a six player table will use all 20 cards in the deck.

Texas Hold'em

The player who has not folded his cards can win the pot, the winner is determined by the best poker hand.

In Texas Hold'em, the players share the community cards. The players use their hole cards together with the community cards to make their poker hand. A player can only make a poker hand that has five cards in it. You may use both hole cards, one hole card or no hole card at all, in order to see which poker hand you have. If you aren't using any cards at all, you are playing with the community cards only.


Poker Split Pot Odd ChipChip

Omaha poker rules are based on Texas Hold'em with these main differences:

Players are dealt four pocket cards.

  1. Player MUST use two pocket cards and three community cards to make the best possible poker hand.
  2. There can be a maximum of 10 players.
  3. Each player is dealt four cards face down (the pocket cards). Then the first betting round begins.

Rounds are the same as in Texas Hold'em:

  1. Pre Flop - Four cards are dealt to every player face down, starting with the small blind.
  2. The Flop - the dealer lays out the first three community cards in the center of the table.
  3. The Turn - A fourth card is dealt face up in the middle of the table.
  4. The River - A fifth and final card is dealt face up in the middle of the table.

The player with the best 5-card hand wins.

Note: you cannot Play the Board as two cards have to come from your hand. For example, the Board is 10 J Q K A. And your hand is 4 4 A 5, this means your final hand is: A A K Q 5

Omaha Hi/Lo

Omaha Hi/Lo is identical to Omaha poker except for the showdown. It's a split-pot game, so at showdown the pot is usually divided in half. One half is awarded to the best high hand, and the other half is awarded to the best low hand.

The best high hand is identical to the best hand in regular Omaha.

The best low hand, however, must qualify to be eligible to win the low hand half of the pot. If there is no eligible low hand, the entire pot is awarded to the player with the best high hand.

The qualifications for the low hand are:

  1. The hand must be comprised of two pocket cards and three community cards.
  2. All cards used must be unpaired cards eight or lower.
  3. Low hands are counted from the highest card to the lowest card.
  4. Aces are considered low for the low hand.
  5. Flushes and straights are ignored for the low hand.
  6. Suits do not matter for low hand, so if multiple users have the best low hand they will split that half of the pot.
  7. The best low hand is 5-4-3-2-A, and the worst low hand is 8-7-6-5-4.

There are also a couple of important rules regarding the showdown:

  1. If the pot cannot be split equally, the extra odd chip is always awarded to the high hand half of the pot.
  2. The same player can win one or both halves of the pot, using the same or different cards for each hand.

Game Types

No Limit

No limit poker means that you can bet as much as you're sitting with at the table.

Fixed Limit

Fixed limit poker means that you can bet a fixed amount each betting round. In a 2/4 game, you can bet, raise or re-raise 2 before the flop, 2 on the flop, at the turn and river card you can bet, raise or re-raise 4 each round.

Pot Limit

Pot limit poker is a game where you can bet the size of the pot plus any previous player bets or raises.

Mixed Limit

Mixed Limit is a poker is a game where you can bet the size of the pot plus any previous player bets or raises on the pre-flop and as much as you're sitting with at the table afterwards. It's also referred to as Pot Limit Pre-Flop, No Limit Post-Flop.

Game Play

Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Hailstone

Hole Cards

Each player is dealt two cards face down. They are called hole cards

Community Cards

The cards dealt to the table are split into three rounds of betting, together they are called community cards.

The Flop

The flop consists of three cards, these cards are dealt to the table after the first betting round is completed.

The Turn

This card is dealt when the flop betting round is completed.

The River

This card is dealt when the turn betting round is completed


When a player is all-in it means that all the money they have at the table is in the pot. A player that is all-in can only win as many chips from the other players as they have put into the pot.

Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Pie

If other players put in more chips, a side pot is created. More than one side pot can be created if several players are all-in. When you are all-in you will stay in the current poker hand until showdown. No player can ever make a single bet larger than the amount they have at the table.


Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Casserole

Showdown means that the players in the pot show their hole cards. Showdown can only take place when all betting rounds are complete or when a player is all in.

Regular Tables

Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Muffin

Up to ten players are allowed to play in the same game on a regular table.

Short Handed Tables

Poker Split Pot Odd Chip Recipe

A short handed table is a table with six seats or less.